Monday, November 24, 2008

Sophie goes to the doctor

I just got back from Sophie's 15 month appointment and it was the WORST ever! She screamed the second Dr. Solomon walked in the room with us and didn't stop until her coat was on and we were out the door!!! He checked her ears and had to clean them out, which REALLY was awful because I had to hold her down and I know from experience it doesn't feel so good. Anyhow, besides her waxy accumulation, her ears are fine, which is good because she doesn't say too much so I was concerned. Then she had her flu shot and luckily it was the only one she needed now so it was quick and easier than when she gets a bunch of them. Everything is good with Sophie (he did say that she is very vocal obviously despite her lack of words- actually he yelled that to me over her screams) Sophie is 30.5 inches tall and 22lbs, 11oz. She's middle of the road, 50th percentile.

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